Hello Frogs,
Our Swim and Dive registration will be at the pool from 1:00 to 3:00 at the pool. We look forward to seeing you.
I have attached four files to this document:
1) Swim/Dive Registration form
2) T-shirt orders (due June 6th)
3) Volunteer needs
4) Schedule of swim season (Note dessert social June 3rd at 7:00 at the pool)
Welcome to the 2005 Fairfax Frog Swim Season
We are looking forward to a great season this year at the Fairfax Pool. We will swim in Division Nine this summer. Other teams in our Division this year include Hayfield Farm, Mantua, Walden Glen, Villa Aquatics, and Rolling Hills. As usual, the seeding selection is designed to have some close races, so let's get ready for some exciting swim meets!
The Frogs philosophy is to provide an encouraging environment for all swimmers, regardless of their capability. This is to promote the philosophy of the Northern Virginia Swim League (NVSL):
To develop in each and every child a love for the sport, advanced aquatic skills, teamwork, and the principles of good sportsmanship.
Introducing the Coaches
Head Coach - David Cooper - David was our head coach the last two years. He will graduate this year from George Mason University. He was member of the GMU Swim Team for four years and has swum for many years before his career at GMU.
Assistant Coach - Liz DeOrnellas - Liz has been swimming for the Fairfax Frogs since she was five years old. She has also swum on a year-round club team for 11 years. This summer will be her fifth season coaching the Frogs. She is a graduating senior at Fairfax High School and will be attending the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill next year.
Junior Coach - Jean DeOrnellas - Jean has been swimming for the Fairfax Frogs since she was five years old. She has swum year-round for seven years and is currently training with the Mason-Makos swim club. This is her second season coaching the Frogs. She will be a freshman at Fairfax High School in the fall.
Junior Coach - Jake DesRoches: Jake has been swimming with the Fairfax Frogs since he was 5 years old. He has swum year-round since he was seven years old with Victor's Swim Club (Sea Devils). He will be a freshman at Woodson High School. This is his first year coaching with the Frogs.
Practice Times
The practice times will stay the same as they were last year. They are as follows:
Practice schedule before school is out (beginning Monday, June 6th)
Monday - Friday
4:45 - 5:15 p.m. 8 year olds and under
5:15 - 5:45 p.m. 9-10 year olds
5:45 - 6:15 p.m. 11-12 year olds
6:15 - 7:00 p.m. 13 and older
Practice schedules may be revised during the swim season as the needs of the team, coaches and Pool Board dictate.
Weekday practices before school is out are limited to three lanes. Very hot weather and pool crowding may force practice changes. Please remain patient and flexible with after school practices. Please attend during your posted schedule. We have divided the groups by age for a reasonable number of swimmers per lane so that everyone will get a good practice.
Practice schedule after school is out (beginning Monday June 27th)
Monday - Friday
8:00 - 9:00 a.m. 9 - 12 year olds
9:00 - 9:45 a.m. 8 and under
9:30 - 10:45 a.m. 13 and older
Swimmers should attend the practice scheduled for their age. Any change in a practice group will need to be approved by the coach. It is important to practice with the swimmers that you will be competing with as it makes it easier to practice relay starts etc.
It is important to come to practice prepared. Arrive a few minutes early to stretch, put on your cap and goggles and be ready to enter the water when the coach requests.
To register for the swim or dive team please fill out the following form. One registration fee covers membership in both the dive and swim team. Registration fees are as follows:
One swimmer/diver is $65.00.
Two swimmers/divers in one family is $105.
Three or more swimmers/divers in one family is $140.
The fee for tadpoles is $50.00.
We will be offering scholarships to those who need them. Please contact Mary Stinnett at 703-352-9023 or Carole Rogers at 703-978-2965 for information
Running a swim meet requires a large volunteer staff. In fact, it takes over 40 parents to time, officiate, and score a typical swim meet, and that does not include pool set-up and tear down, running the snack bar, or non-swimming team activities. This requires a commitment from the families of the swimmers to make the meet run as smooth and fair as possible. All skills and temperaments are welcome - there are jobs before, during, and after the meets that can put your good talents to use. Please fill out the attached volunteer form and return to Carole Rogers or Cathy Basl.
Team Apparel
We will keep the same team suit as last year, the Speedo Magma. Team suits are not mandatory. However, if you would like to purchase one they are available to order at University Rho in University Mall. We will once again be selling team caps for $5.00. See Carole Rogers or Cathy Basl to purchase one.
Celeste Delahunty and Andrea Rozner will be in charge of selling Frog t-shirts. Please fill out attached order form if you are interested in a shirt and return the form to Celeste by JUNE 6th.
Team Sponsors
We are fortunate enough to have three team sponsors, Thomas Family Dentistry, Questox, and Woody's Ice Cream. Woody will be providing free ice cream cards to all Frogs and Tadpoles. We are always looking for more sponsors for team. Please feel free to pass out the attached sponsorship form to your favorite vendors.
The primary means of communication for swim team news will be via email. We have found that with 45 families on the team the most efficient way to "get the news out" is by email. If your family is not a frequent email user please let us know and we will find an email buddy to keep you informed.
Attached is the schedule for swim season.
We look forward to a great season. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask! For those families new to the swimming, please make sure you get a copy of the Frogs Swimmers & Parents Handbook for 2005. This handbook explains the many facets of swimming.
Go Frogs!
Carole Rogers (703) 978-2965
Cathy Basl (703) 503-8089